Thursday 23 June 2011

A day at MacRitchie Reservoir with us

Start of the walk. We are the girls in the red and blue shirts standing beside each other.

It was a hot and sunny morning, just perfect for a treacherous walk through the MacRitchie reservoir. The whole entire group of friends came with us. We went there, hoping to get a bunch of good photos for the blog. And sure we did. Experience this great walk with us through photos.

Two kinds of butterflies. One on a leaf and the other in a drain. What is it doing there? 

We also found a few Blue Triangles (Butterfly in the drain) in the drain. Are they supposed to be there? If the answer is no, WHY? 
The orange butterfly's wings' shade of orange is like the colour of the sky when the sun sets.

Funny fungi. Looks like flowers. How cool! This is the first time we're seeing it.

“No one person has to do it all but if each one of us follow our heart and our own inclinations we will find the small things that we can do to create a sustainable future and a healthy environment.” 
~ John Denver

Who threw this rubbish?! As the saying goes, "A little action goes a long way." Someone's going to pay for this "little" action in the future.

We had a great time taking pictures of Mother Nature and all that rubbish. If everyone litters, we'll be living in a world of trash. We will see if we can survive in such horrible conditions.

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