Friday 1 July 2011

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (SBWR S'pore)

Yep. I'm going there soon to see the migratory birds land here, yes, in Singapore. I did a an online catalogue for my school yesterday and tried to upload it on the computer, but it failed. Anyway, going to Sungei Buloh would be so much fun! There, you would be able to see Sea Hollys, Redshanks, Greenshanks, the common Tree Frog, Monitor lizards and all. Yep. I can't wait for that trip. In the next post, read the advice. So at least you will know of what to prepare for the trip. Anyway, do you know what Sungei Buloh means? It's in Malay. Sungei= River, Buloh= Bamboo. There USED to be bamboo there, but errr, sorry to say, there no longer is. In the 19th Century, with an increasing rural population, prawn farming became the mainstay of those settling the coast. Now the prawn farms are gone and the mangroves are regenerating under the protection afforded by the Nature Reserve. You can check many websites as stated here.
I have written them down, so just *click* and you can get there.

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