Sunday 3 July 2011

The 3Rs

Have you heard of the 3Rs? No or yes, we'll tell you.
1R) Reuse
2R) Reduce
3R) Recycle

Alright, so now think of 2 ways you can Reuse, then 2 ways you can Reduce and of course 2 ways you can Recycle. Think of it and please e-mail us whatever you think of, or any enquiries. And now, we, ourselves will give you 2 possibilities for each, but DO NOT COPY if you want to e-mail us whatever you think of.

Water  Conservation- Reuse water used to wash clothes to wash the toilet floor.
Here, you can try this out for yourself- Tear old newspaper pages into pieces, then soak in water. Use the old newspaper pieces to form sheets of newspaper. Wait till the sheets DRY, for real. After that, paint the sheets of pieces with whatever colour you want. You can doodle on top of the paper, whatever.
That's reusing the newspaper.

Water Conservation- Gargle water with a MUG OF WATER. I advise you NOT to gargle under a running water from the tap.
Water conservation- Wash vegetables in a bowl of water. NOT under running water from the tap.

At my school, I have to bring newspaper every Tuesday for recycling there. I think... they sell our newspaper after that. With the money, we would buy TREES, and save them.
For example, you find a piece of paper with ONLY ONE SIDE PRINTED. Can you use it again? Of course! You can use the OTHER side. That's how you save the Earth.

We have already given you examples. Send your examples to . If your examples are great and mean something to nature and Earth, we'll post them over the blog! Come on everyone, think of something!

Tell us if you have done these:

Reuse, Reduce and RECYCLE!

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